Do you know that when you sneeze you send an infectious Spray for five yards? Or, for twenty yards if the droplets are carried on a little air current? Or, that someone with a cold can infect you from that distance? At the office, use a handkerchief or tissue to cover that sneeze. Turn your head away from your fellow-workers. If you are well, keep your distance from those who have colds, if you can. At home, wear a gauze or tissue mask over nose and mouth -especially if you cannot avoid preparing food for others. Wash your hands frequently to avoid spreading germs, which you have inadvertently transferred to them

Do you know that infectious droplets from a sneeze may linger for minutes in the air-and for hours on foods? That's another reason for "muzzling" the patient by means of a mask, and shows the importance of keeping foods on the table or in the kitchen covered wherever possible.

Do you know that no single vitamin will enable you to avoid colds? That is, unless you lack only that particular vitamin, while getting plenty of all others and eating well-balanced meals. The purpose of vitamins, in avoiding colds, is to repair any deficiency you may have and thus keep your resistance at a high level. Lowered resistance opens the way to colds.

Do you know that you cannot "get rid" of a cold in three or four days, even if cold symptoms cease in that length of time? Colds follow the law of cycles, and the established cycle of a cold is 15 to 21 days. It lingers in your system that long, even if you appear to be cured. So take care of yourself for the full period in order to avoid a reappearance of the malady and the start of another cycle.

Do you know that children are most susceptible to colds? It has been found that at middle age and beyond colds are less frequent. Doctors are now considering the possibility that fatigue makes one more liable to colds. Older people are less likely to overexert themselves. Children are inclined to keep going even when they feel below par. If a child's resistance is low, for any reason, his activities should be somewhat curtailed-or at least one should watch carefully for signs of fatigue.

Do you know that office workers contract a greater number of colds, and more severe ones, than factory workers or manual laborers? Statistics show that workers who sit at desks hour after hour are more susceptible than those who move about in the course of their work. Therefore, the wise sedentary worker will check his diet, periods of relaxation and general state of health to keep his resistance high.

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